Oops, bit late today but oh well!

A lovely time with the ladies (where are the knitting boys?) at IKEA tonight.  Nice to be back after the festive rearrangements!

A fun picture today….. one I think we all ought to emulate more…


Why do we limit ourselves?  Why not shoot for the stars?  A baby is full of potential… they haven’t learnt from society that there are things they cannot dream of…. maybe we should all be more childlike.

In Matthew’s gospel Christ said..

But Jesus intervened: “Let the children alone, don’t prevent them from coming to me. God’s kingdom is made up of people like these.  [the message]

Aren’t we all superheroes in some way??



Oops, bit late …


Hi all

Hope everyone had a safe and merry Hogmanay and a good January 1st.

This year I am attempting the 365 challenge (366 this leap year – hope that extra day isn’t too much!). That means blogging somewhere every single day….. don’t know if I’ll make enough (I won’t) but I am planning for pretty things here… along with lots of other stuff.

Just made it for day one….. may we all be blessed this coming year.
