Curiouser and curiouser….


The internet has gone mad for Sherlock conspiracies….. and black to protest SOPA PIPA.

Love some of the responses…. like this one….


Unreal….. the whole idea of copyright was that the creators of ideas would not be ruined by money men and corporations….. guess which group are sponsoring the bills??????


Also, the hideous loss of life, the sight of a ship on it’s side in the water….. and the captain being told to “get his ass back on the boat”… apparently he ‘fell’ into the lifeboat…. with his second in command…. thought Captain’s went down with the ship????  Is he a captain???


As Commodore Norrington said…. aren’t you only a Captain while you have a ship???




Government ‘help’

I had to go and sign on today… wonderful.  An hour and forty-five minutes where they admitted they had forgotten to update the system which is why I’m owed six weeks of money, and then informed me that I needed to expand my horizons in looking for work…..

So I am attending a course on Thursday which will start with assessing my basic skills in English and Maths….


Wonder if they need anyone to teach it?




PS – can’t talk about Sherlock yet…. still pondering, and crying…….. 

We all fell for it…..


I mean just wow……….

The Reichenbach fall was just everything we could ever have hoped for.  The first series was good, this was sublime….. BAFTA’s for everyone.  That being said, we could have done without Moffat and Gatiss trolling twitter and providing pictures of kitties for comfort…. and psyching us out then telling us that there will be season 3 since it was ordered WITH season 2.

Image Image

Martin Freeman’s face…..


Molly the heroine?  Must be…… love her!

And finally…….


AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH….. after Hobbit and Smaug and Necromancer and Star Trek and The Pirates and Parades End……. {calm, we can we calm…. there are DVD’s}




Hi all

I’ve finally managed to start listening to my thinking slimmer mp3’s.  I say finally because iTunes and my iPod Touch made it awfully hard.

I’ve never been an apply girl… from the first I’ve been PC… not enough picture or animation things to get used to the MAC.  I had several different mp3 players before getting my iTouch – and I love it!  Still don’t have any other apple products though!

Thing is… I had to install and reinstall so many things that it took 48 hours to get the player to state where I could use it…. not exactly helpful!  I’m pleased that I fixed it though… I was about ready to march into the Apple Store and beg for help… which is NOT my style 😉

The problem is in the things that were lost…. all my notes that I’d written, my scores on games and worst of all – all the notes I’d written into the Bible I have on the device.  All the highlighted verses and comments gone…. including verses that had been given to me….

Apple….. you need to fix this……


or you will be EXTERMINATED…….



Making a change..

Hi all

As a part of my resolutions I have invested in a slimpod from

The idea is based on a combination of hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy and goes well with my decision to try healthy eating instead of a diet.  You listen to the mp3’s and they work by helping modify your decisions… helping you make better ones… at least that’s the idea!!

I’ll keep you all updated… hope it helps – then again it’s all down to will power and self control.

So in a really Scottish manner I’ll finish with this…





Still pondering the HOUND…

Hi all

I’ve been thinking about Hounds of Baskerville (shocking) because it has been sitting in my mind.  The obvious thing is the genius of those involved.  But, the real kudos must belong to Martin Freeman in a masterclass of acting as Watson.  He’s been a soldier, invalided home after being shot and with a raging case of PTSD…. and running after Holmes can’t be helping with that.  Then this…


This is a man who has commanded on the field.  The expectation of obedience.  

But it was in the lab that he shone… the terror in his eyes as every nightmare from battle rose up and growled…. give this man his second BAFTA…. please!!!!

I was excited about the Hobbit…. now I’m drooling….. and terrified for Reichenbach on Sunday.

Promise I’ll write about something else tomorrow 😉



Friday…. it’s Friday!

Hi all

A couple of things today.  I spent the evening with Mum and Dad then Conall and I came home – in time to see Graham Norton.  Starring this lovely man….


More often seen like this at the moment….


The military hero turned genius consultant detective wrangler – Dr John Hamish Watson… BTW – loved the BAFTA ding there Mr Freeman 🙂

Also on the show was the four legged star of ‘The Artist’ and this means I can show you Conall’s unusual habit…


Yup… that would be Conall watching the TV and trying to make friends with the doggy….. odd but cute!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!



Oops, bit late today but oh well!

A lovely time with the ladies (where are the knitting boys?) at IKEA tonight.  Nice to be back after the festive rearrangements!

A fun picture today….. one I think we all ought to emulate more…


Why do we limit ourselves?  Why not shoot for the stars?  A baby is full of potential… they haven’t learnt from society that there are things they cannot dream of…. maybe we should all be more childlike.

In Matthew’s gospel Christ said..

But Jesus intervened: “Let the children alone, don’t prevent them from coming to me. God’s kingdom is made up of people like these.  [the message]

Aren’t we all superheroes in some way??



Oops, bit late …